Inside Track: HRC40

by Geneva

Inside Track: HRC40
Inside Track HRC40 includes some minor redesigns and new features with the aim of making Inside Track even more user-friendly. This edition of Inside Track looks ahead to the 40th regular session of the Council, which runs from 25th February to 22nd March 2019 . It aims to provide those interested in the Council’s work with an at-a-glance brief on what to expect from HRC40: the key issues, debates, and questions that are expected to keep delegates busy; the country situations that will require the Council’s attention; and the draft resolutions that will be negotiated and voted upon.

Expected highlights at HRC40  include:

  • Over 90 high-level dignitaries and officials are expected to attend the three-day High-Level Segment of HRC40, including, inter alia: the President of Tunisia, Mr Béji Caïd Essebsi; the Prime Minister of Fiji, Rear Admiral (ret) Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama; and the Prime Minister of Yemen, Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed,. So far, a total of five heads or deputy heads of State, and 69 ministers or vice-ministers are scheduled to address the Council.
  • On 6 March , Ms Michelle Bachelet, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, will give an oral update on the human rights situation around the world. This will provide the basis for an interactive dialogue with the High Commissioner on 7 March.
  • During the session, the Council will consider reports by the High Commissioner or Secretary-General covering human rights situations in, inter alia: the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Myanmar.
  • It will also consider High-Commissioner/UN Secretary-General reports on a number of thematic issues, including inter alia: measures taken to implement Council resolution 9/8, including reforming the Treaty Body system; the Special Fund established by the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture; UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture; missing persons; empowering children with disabilities; the protection of human rights while countering terrorism; rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities; realisation of the right to work
  • The Council is expected to act on around 32 resolutions and other texts as of the time of publication. It is also expected to appoint new mandate-holders for positions on the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) – from Africa; Central and Eastern Europe, the Russian Federation, Central Asia, and Transcaucasia; the Caribbean, Central and South America; and the Pacific.