URG holds third global media HRC engagement programme

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms

During the last week of the 33rd session of the Council, the URG, with the support of the Government of Germany and the Canton of Geneva, brought 11 journalists – from Albania, Argentina, Burundi, DRC, Dominican Republic, Maldives, Rwanda, Slovenia, Thailand, United States, and Venezuela – to Geneva to follow developments, especially during voting. 


During their time in Geneva, the journalists benefited from briefing sessions with URG analysts, key diplomats, and representatives of the OHCHR and the ICRC. They also held information exchange sessions with a selection of Geneva-based human rights NGOs, and with Geneva-based press correspondents. 

This is the third of three media visits/workshops planned for 2016. The overall objective is to strengthen media interest in, and knowledge about, the Council and its work, and thereby to improve its transparency, accountability and credibility. 

At the end of the year, the URG will publish the findings of a year-long media survey, aiming to better understand media interest in, and perceptions of, the Council.


Selection of Press articles on HRC published by journalists during/following programme

Mohamed Junayd, “Does the Maldives practice what it preaches globally on human rights?,” Maldives Independent, 4th October 2016

L’ONU vote pour la création d’une commission d’enquête indépendante sur le Burundi,” Radio Publique Africaine (Burundi), 3rd October 2016

Darío Mizrahi (Argentina), “El Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU, atravesado por el retorno de la guerra fría,”  2nd October 2016

Darío Mizrahi (Argentina), “Argentina ante la ONU: “Las Islas Malvinas se encuentran ilegítimamente ocupadas por el Reino Unido”,” 1st October 2016

Luis Carlos Diaz Vasquez (Venezuela), Facebook Post, 30th September 2016

Willa Frej (USA), “U.N. Fails To Agree On Independent Inquiry Of Human Rights Abuses In Yemen,” The Huffington Post, 30th September 2016

Robert Mugabe (Rwanda), “UN council passes rough resolution on Burundi,” Great Lakes Voice, 30th September 2016

Darío Mizrahi (Argentina), “Dura condena de la ONU a Bashar al Assad, Hezbollah y el Estado Islámico por las violaciones a los derechos humanos en Siria,” infobae, 30th September 2016

Darío Mizrahi (Argentina), “Oscar Cabello, vicecanciller de Paraguay: “Estamos muy preocupados por la situación de los derechos humanos en Venezuela”,” infobae, 29th September 2016

Luis Carlos Diaz Vasquez (Venezuela), Facebook Post, 29th September 2016

Darío Mizrahi (Argentina), “Paraguay ante la ONU: “Compartimos preocupaciones sobre las graves y repetidas denuncias de represión en Venezuela”,” infobae, 29th September 2016

Robert Mugabe (Rwanda), “UN Council passes Safety of Journalists Resolution,” Great Lakes Voice, 29th September 2016

Darío Mizrahi (Argentina), “Paraguay planteará ante la ONU la preocupación por los derechos humanos en Venezuela,” infobae, 28th September 2016

Luis Carlos Diaz Vasquez (Venezuela), Facebook Post, 28th September 2016

Darío Mizrahi (Argentina), “Una jueza del Tribunal Supremo de Venezuela dijo que es “imposible” hacer el referendo antes de febrero de 2017,” infobae, 26th September 2016

Image: “33rd Session of the Human Rights Council” by NL Mission in Geneva/Katriena Koedam-Wiersma


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