Identificando y superando los riesgos, amenazas y desafíos que enfrentan quienes defienden el medio ambiente en América Latina

by Mariana Montoya Environmental human rights defenders, Policy reports, Thematic human rights issues

Identificando y superando los riesgos, amenazas y desafíos que enfrentan quienes defienden el medio ambiente en América Latina

Durante el 8 y el 9 de noviembre de 2017, Universal Rights Group América Latina, el Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente y los Derechos Humanos, el Profesor John Knox, y la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza – Comité Nacional de Holanda, IUCN-N, realizaron en las oficinas de la Agencia de Cooperación de …

Oslo – Global Human Rights Implementation Agenda: the role of international development partners

by the URG team Human rights implementation and impact, Oslo+ meetings, Policy reports

Oslo – Global Human Rights Implementation Agenda:  the role of international development partners

This is the first in a new series of policy reports exploring how universal human rights standards are translated, through the actions of governments, parliaments, national human rights institutions and NGOs, in some cases with the support of development partners, into on-the-ground improvements in the enjoyment of human rights. This first report explores the role of multilateral and bilateral development …

Glion V: The place of human rights in a reformed United Nations

by the URG team Human rights implementation and impact, Policy reports

Glion V: The place of human rights in a reformed United Nations

The fifth Glion Human Rights Dialogue (Glion V), held in Chardonne, Switzerland, from 30-31 May 2018, considered the place of human rights in a modern, reformed United Nations. In particular, the Glion V retreat and its preparatory policy dialogues, looked at the human rights implications, of the ongoing UN reform process, launched in 2017 by the Secretary-General, António Guterres; and the parallel efforts of …

Corruption: a human rights impact assessment

by the URG team Policy reports, Thematic human rights issues

Corruption: a human rights impact assessment

Corruption, especially grand corruption, has enormous implications, both direct and indirect, for the enjoyment of human rights. Corruption undermines – perhaps even violates – a wide array of economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development. Where governments fail to respect and protect civil and political rights, it in turn creates governance conditions in which corruption can thrive. …

Reform of the UN human rights petitions system

by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Policy reports

Reform of the UN human rights petitions system

The human rights communications procedures are central to the purpose, effectiveness and credibility of the United Nations – representing the only direct link between the victims of human rights violations and the international human rights protection system. However, over the past half-century, what was once a vibrant part of the UN’s human rights work has become increasingly neglected and somewhat …

Human Rights Council strengthening conference

by Geneva Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Policy reports

Human Rights Council strengthening conference

There is a growing recognition that as the Human Rights Council (HRC) approaches its twelve year anniversary there is a need to undertake an inclusive, cross regional and structured dialogue to review how the HRC could best fulfil its mandate and purpose, as set down in GA resolution 60/251. This includes discussions around how the work and effectiveness of the …

Derechos Humanos y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible – Alcanzando sinergias

by Mariana Montoya Policy reports, Thematic human rights issues

Derechos Humanos y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible – Alcanzando sinergias

Si la Agenda 2030 debe implementarse de una manera en la que realmente “no se deje a nadie atrás”, entonces los compromisos y obligaciones de derechos humanos deben ser aplicados, implementados y protegidos por todos los Estados miembros de la ONU. Del mismo modo, el pleno disfrute de todos los derechos humanos solo será posible en el contexto del progreso …

Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals – Pursuing Synergies

by Geneva Human rights implementation and impact, Policy reports

Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals – Pursuing Synergies

If the 2030 Agenda is to be realised in a way that truly does ‘leave no one behind,’ then human rights obligations and commitments must be applied, implemented and protected by all UN member States. Similarly, the full enjoyment of all human rights will only be possible in the context of worldwide progress with the implementation of the Sustainable Development …

The Human Rights Council in 2017

by Mariana Montoya Policy reports

The Human Rights Council in 2017

The ‘Human Rights Council in 2017’ report provides a critique of the main events, developments, successes and failures of the Human Rights Council in 2017. The review includes:  – A quantitative analysis of the Council’s work in 2017, as well as since the body’s establishment in 2006. This includes the number of resolutions adopted; the number of voted resolutions; the number …

Glion IV: Operationalizing the Council’s ‘prevention’ mandate

by the URG team Policy reports, Prevention, accountability and justice

Glion IV: Operationalizing the Council’s ‘prevention’ mandate

The Human Rights Council’s mandate to respond to human rights violations, including gross and systematic violations – as set down in operative paragraph 3 of GA resolution 60/251 – is well known. Less well known, but equally important, is the Council’s mandate to prevent such violations from happening in the first place and to respond promptly to emerging crises. According …