Report of stocktaking meeting organised by the European Union, Denmark, and the Universal Rights Group.

Eight years of the Istanbul Process on combatting religious intolerance: Taking stock

by the URG team Policy reports, Thematic human rights issues

Eight years of the Istanbul Process on combatting religious intolerance: Taking stock

The main intergovernmental policy framework for combatting religious intolerance, stigmatisation, discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons based on religion or belief is set down in Human Rights Council (Council) resolution 16/18 and its sister resolution at the General Assembly (GA) – GA resolution 66/167. Resolutions 16/18 and 66/167 were adopted by consensus in 2011, and hailed by stakeholders …

Guide to the 2019 UN Human Rights Council Elections.

Guide to the Human Rights Council 2019 Elections

by the URG team Policy reports

Guide to the Human Rights Council 2019 Elections

On Monday 23 September 2019, the Permanent Mission of Norway and the Universal Rights Group (URG) hosted a lunch reception to mark the launch of the  Guide to the 2019 UN Human Rights Council Elections. The report is the fifth annual  Guide to the UN Human Rights Council Elections. It provides general information on the 2019 Council elections (scheduled for 16 October at the GA in New York), when …

Glion VI: Towards 2026 – Perspectives on the future of the Human Rights Council

by the URG team Policy reports

Glion VI: Towards 2026 – Perspectives on the future of the Human Rights Council

The sixth Glion Human Rights Dialogue (Glion VI), organised by Switzerland and the Universal Rights Group (URG), in partnership with the Permanent Missions of Botswana, Fiji, Iceland, Mexico and Thailand, was held on 27-28 May 2019 and considered the topic: ‘Towards 2026 – Perspectives on the future of the Human Rights Council.’ In particular the Glion VI retreat and its four preparatory policy dialogues …

Emergency and non-Emergency Support for Environmental Defenders

by URG LAC Team Environmental human rights defenders, Policy reports, Thematic human rights issues

Emergency and non-Emergency Support for Environmental Defenders

The situation for defenders of the land, the environment, and the territory (LEDs) in Latin America is nothing short of dire. Multiple reports demonstrate that Latin America is one of the most dangerous places for LEDs; their rights to life, physical integrity, safety, political participation, and freedom of expression and association – among others basic civil liberties – are continually …

The Universal Periodic Review

Clustering and the integrated implementation of recommendations

by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group and Mariana Montoya, Universal Rights Group Human rights implementation and impact, Policy reports

Clustering and the integrated implementation of recommendations

Over the past seventy years, United Nations (UN) member States have elaborated and adopted eight ‘core’ international human rights treaties. Together with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, these conventions provide the normative and legal backbone of the UN human rights system. Since their adoption, the number of States choosing to ratify and thus become Party to those treaties has …

Is the global situation of human rights improving or deteriorating?

by Geneva Human rights implementation and impact, Policy reports

Is the global situation of human rights improving or deteriorating?

Commentary on the worldwide human rights situation is often characterised by assertions of an unfolding human rights crisis in much of the developing world, and back-sliding in some of the world’s major democracies. Clearly human rights violations are far too commonplace in all parts of the world, and we have a long way to go to realise the vision set …

Lifting religion-based reservations to the core international human rights conventions as a means of strengthening women’s rights at the national level

by Mariana Montoya Policy reports, Thematic human rights issues

Lifting religion-based reservations to the core international human rights conventions as a means of strengthening women’s rights at the national level

On 9th and 10th January 2019, the Universal Rights Group, with the support of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tunisia, convened a regional workshop on ‘lifting religion-based reservations to the core international human rights conventions as a means of strengthening women’s rights at national level, and the role of women’s rights advocacy groups …

The Human Rights Council in 2018

by the URG team Policy reports

The Human Rights Council in 2018

‘The Human Rights Council in 2018’ report aims to provide, inter alia: A written analysis of the main events and development at the Council in 2018. Data on the quantitative evolution of the Council’s work in 2018, as well as since the body’s establishment in 2006. This includes the number of resolutions adopted; the number of voted resolutions; the number …

The global human rights implementation agenda: the role of national parliaments

by Universal Rights Group and the Commonwealth Secretariat Human rights implementation and impact, Policy reports

The global human rights implementation agenda: the role of national parliaments

This new policy brief, published by the URG and the Commonwealth secretariat, is the second in a new series of URG publications exploring how universal human rights standards are translated, through the actions of governments, parliaments, national human rights institutions and NGOs, in some cases with the support of development partners , into on-the-ground improvements in the enjoyment of human rights. This second report explores …

Emergency and non-Emergency Support for Environmental Defenders

by URG LAC Team Policy reports, Thematic human rights issues

Emergency and non-Emergency Support for Environmental Defenders

La situación de las personas y comunidades defensoras del medio ambiente, la tierra y el territorio en América Latina (DAT) no es nada menos que atroz. Múltiples reportes demuestran que Latinoamérica es una de las regiones más peligrosas para las DAT. Sus derechos a la vida, integridad física, seguridad, participación política y libertad de expresión, así como las libertades de …