OSLO+Digital – How can a human rights-based approach to development help the world ‘build back better?’

by Geneva Human rights implementation and impact, Oslo+ meetings, Policy reports

OSLO+Digital – How can a human rights-based approach to development help the world ‘build back better?’

On 9 and 10 June 2020, the Permanent Missions of Denmark and The Netherlands to the UN in Geneva, in cooperation with the Universal Rights Group (URG), convened a digital meeting of bilateral and multilateral development partners on how international cooperation could be better leveraged to support the national implementation of international human rights obligations and commitments, in particular in …

The Human Rights Council in 2020

by Geneva Policy reports

The Human Rights Council in 2020

What were the main developments, achievements and flash-points at the Human Rights Council in 2020? What were the Council’s principle outputs and what kind of impact did the body and its mechanisms have on the on-the-ground enjoyment of human rights? Did members of the Council cooperate with the international human rights mechanisms, and with OHCHR, over the past twelve months? Does …

Realizing rights, changing lives

by Geneva Children's rights, Human rights implementation and impact, Policy reports

Realizing rights, changing lives

The international community has invested enormous time and energy in building the international human rights system over the past 70 years. Yet for as long as that system has existed, commentators have questioned the degree to which it is capable of, and is succeeding in, securing real-world change – i.e. demonstrable improvements in the on-the-ground enjoyment of human rights. According …

7th meeting of the Istanbul Process

by Geneva Policy reports, Thematic human rights issues

7th meeting of the Istanbul Process

On 18-19 November 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands with the support of the Universal Rights Group (URG) hosted the seventh meeting of the Istanbul Process. The meeting was entitled, ‘Combatting religious intolerance: building inclusive and resilient societies, and pushing back against incitement to hatred and violence.’ This was the first Istanbul Process meeting …

The Human Rights Council in 2019

by Geneva Policy reports

The Human Rights Council in 2019

‘The Human Rights Council in 2019’ report aims to provide, inter alia: A written analysis of the main events and development at the Council in 2019. Data on the quantitative evolution of the Council’s work in 2019, as well as since the body’s establishment in 2006. This includes the number of resolutions adopted; the number of voted resolutions; the number …

OSLO+1 – International support for the national implementation of UN human rights recommendations, including as a contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

by the URG team Human rights implementation and impact, Oslo+ meetings, Policy reports

OSLO+1 – International support for the national implementation of UN human rights recommendations, including as a contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

On 10 May 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden and the Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (Sida), in cooperation with the Universal Rights Group (URG), convened a meeting of bilateral and multilateral development partners in Stockholm on how international cooperation could be better leveraged to support the national implementation of international human rights obligations and commitments. This …

Shedding light on the current status of the UN's Human Rights Up Front initiative.

Policy or aspiration

by Danica Damplo, Universal Rights Group NYC and Rodrigo Saad, former Universal Rights Group - NYC Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Policy reports

Policy or aspiration

The question of ‘what happened to Human Rights up Front’ is an oft-repeated refrain in meetings with New York civil society. However, little consistent and clear information has been provided by the UN secretariat on the status of the initiative. This has led many inside and outside the system to claim that the initiative is dead or reconfigured beyond recognition. …

Vision 2021

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Policy reports

Vision 2021

Between 2021 and 2026, the General Assembly (GA) is scheduled to consider the question of the status of the Human Rights Council (Council), i.e. whether it should remain a subsidiary body or become a main body of the United Nations (UN).  Although the GA has not formally requested the Council to conduct a review of its work and functioning in …