Bridging the Human Rights Implementation Gap: A Commonwealth Survey

by Geneva Human rights implementation and impact, Policy reports

Bridging the Human Rights Implementation Gap: A Commonwealth Survey

In January 2022, the Commonwealth Secretariat launched a survey of national frameworks for the implementation of international human rights obligations in Commonwealth member states. The primary objectives of the survey were to: a. Contribute to the body of knowledge, such as studies conducted by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and other organisations, on …

Report of the 8th Istanbul Process Meeting

by Geneva Policy reports, Thematic human rights issues

Report of the 8th Istanbul Process Meeting

Pakistan’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva organized the 8th Istanbul Process (IP) virtually, on 16 February 2022. The meeting’s agenda was set on the theme “10th anniversary of Human Rights Council (HRC) Resolution 16/18: Looking Back and Moving Forward”. This meeting included three segments; (I) High-Level Inaugural Session, (II) Panel I: Ten years of Istanbul Process: Looking …

The Human Rights Council in 2022

by Geneva Policy reports

The Human Rights Council in 2022

What were the main developments, achievements and flash-points at the Human Rights Council in 2022? What were the Council’s principle outputs and what kind of impact did the body and its mechanisms have on the on-the-ground enjoyment of human rights? Did members of the Council cooperate with the international human rights mechanisms, and with OHCHR, over the past twelve months? …

Towards a human rights-based approach to new and emerging technologies

by Geneva Policy reports, Thematic human rights issues

Towards a human rights-based approach to new and emerging technologies

‘Technology is not neutral.’ This statement increasingly represents the consensus position of technologists, human rights campaigners, ethicists, and political scientists. According to this emerging consensus, technology itself can in fact be instilled with certain values –either in line with or contradictory to human rights norms. This simple conclusion is not merely descriptive, however, but also empowering. It empowers us –in …

OSLO+2 –The contribution of human rights and development cooperation to prevention

by Geneva Human rights implementation and impact, Oslo+ meetings, Policy reports, Prevention, accountability and justice

OSLO+2 –The contribution of human rights and development cooperation to prevention

On 8-9 June 2022, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (Peace and Human Rights Division, and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation), with the support of the Universal Rights Group, convened a meeting of bilateral and multilateral development partners in Montreux, Switzerland, to consider the contribution of human rights and development cooperation to the prevention of crises and conflicts. …

How to secure accountability for serious human rights violations?

by Geneva Policy reports, Prevention, accountability and justice

How to secure accountability for serious human rights violations?

The report explores definitions of accountability, the complementarity between criminal and human rights accountability, victim-centred perspectives, as well as challenges and opportunities for securing greater accountability for human rights violations. It also addresses the implications of the emergence, development, and deployment of targeted human rights sanction regimes for international accountability efforts.

Guide to the 2022 Human Rights Council Elections

by Geneva Policy reports

Guide to the 2022 Human Rights Council Elections

The eighth annual Guide to the Human Rights Council elections provides comprehensive at-a-glance information on the 2022 Council elections (which are scheduled to take place on 11 October at the General Assembly in New York), when States from all regions will compete to win seats for new three-year membership terms (2023-2025). In particular, the Guide aims to promote transparency …

Glion VIII: The right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment

by Geneva Human rights implementation and impact, Policy reports

Glion VIII: The right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment

The eighth  Glion Human Rights Dialogue (Glion VIII), organised by the Governments of Switzerland and Liechtenstein, and the Universal Rights Group (URG), in partnership with the Permanent Missions of Fiji, the Marshall Islands, Mexico, and Thailand, was held on 16-17 May 2022 and focused on the topic: ‘The right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment – what does it mean for States, for rights-holders, and for …