Mar 05 2021
Past event

Using the ‘Call to Action for Human Rights’ to build back better in 2021

This Chatham House rules virtual dialogue with civil society representatives is an opportunity for UN Assistant Secretary-General Volker Türk and UN Assistant Secretary-General Ilze Brands Kehris to provide updates on the implementation of the UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ Call to Action for Human Rights, originally launched in February 2020. The keynote remarks will be followed by a panel, moderated by Marc Limon, Director of Universal Rights Group, with brief interventions from civil society representatives to launch a larger dialogue, with questions and comments accepted from the audience.

This dialogue aims to address a number of key objectives, including:
-Provide an update on the implementation of the Call to Action;
-Share civil society expectations and hopes for the Call to Action;
-Consider how the Call to Action for Human Rights can be used to meet the challenges of 2021.

Review the Secretary-General’s Call to Action ahead of the event here:

UN keynote speakers:

Assistant-Secretary General for Strategic Coordination, Executive Office of the Secretary-General, Mr. Volker Türk

Assistant-Secretary General for Human Rights and Head of OHCHR New York Office, Ms. Ilze Brands Kehris

Mr. Marc Limon, Director, Universal Rights Group

Civil society discussants

Ms. Christen Broecker, Deputy Director, Jacob Blaustein Institute
Ms. Divya Matthew, Senior Manager, Research Policy and Advocacy, Women Deliver
Mr. David Kode, Advocacy and Campaign Lead for CIVICUS

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  • Mar 5th 2021
  • 10:00 - 11:00
  • By invitation only