Putting to rest the Three Generations Theory of human rights

by Steven L. B. Jensen, Researcher at the Danish Institute for Human Rights Uncategorized BORRAR

The notion of three generations of human rights has endured for 40 years. But it has no solid historical or analytic basis, and it obscures rather than clarifies the relationship between rights. The so-called “Three Generations Theory of Human Rights”—known for dividing human rights into three separate generations based on (1) civil and political rights; (2) economic, social and cultural …

Los defensores de América Latina comparten experiencias y obtienen una red de seguridad

by Mariana Montoya Uncategorized BORRAR

Actualmente, América Latina es la región más letal del mundo para ser un defensor o defensora del medio ambiente. UICN-Países Bajos y otros socios celebraron recientemente una  reunión  en Bogotá, Colombia, centrada en mejorar la seguridad de estos defensores y defensoras. La asistente y experta en justicia ambiental de la UICN, Liliana Jáuregui, comprendió que debemos tomar medidas en tres niveles: …

Is being the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights an impossible job?

by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group Uncategorized BORRAR

A response to David Petrasek’s article in OpenGlobaRights  entitled ‘ Another one bites the dust ’ (8 February 2018). David Petrasek’s recent article on the early departure of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, provides an extremely timely insight into the under-the-surface tensions and dynamics that help explain Zeid’s decision to step down. The article also offers clues as to what needs to happen …

Palabras del Presidente de URG

by URG Chair Uncategorized BORRAR

En nombre de la Junta Directiva y del personal de Universal Rights Group, me gustaría expresar nuestra profunda conmoción y pesar por el fallecimiento de nuestra estimada miembro de la Junta Fundadora, Asma Jahangir. Asma había sido una importante fuente de orientación y sabiduría en nuestro trabajo durante los últimos cinco años. Ella también ha sido, por supuesto, una inspiración …

Strengthening coherence between the Human Rights Council and the Third Committee

by Geneva Uncategorized BORRAR

One consequence of the General Assembly’s decision, in 2006, not to make the new Human Rights Council a main body of the UN, on par with the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); and of its 2011 decision to maintain that subsidiary status; has been significant institutional confusion about the relationship between the Council and the GA, …

The Catalytic Role of Thematic Special Procedures on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

by Mariana Montoya Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Special Procedures, Uncategorized BORRAR

On 18th and 19th November, the Universal Rights Group (URG GVA & URG LAC) and the Institute for the Study of Human Rights of Columbia University (ISHR) hosted a two-day expert consultation at Columbia University. The meeting convened former Special Procedures mandate-holders on economic, social, and cultural rights; as well as key stakeholders of these mandates, including civil society representatives, …

The UN Secretary-General’s Reform Agenda: what is it, why is it important, what does it address, and where is the human rights pillar?

by the URG team Uncategorized BORRAR

A short explainer Almost immediately after taking Office in January this year, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced his intention to introduce wide-ranging reforms to the way the UN works and how its delivers on its mandate. By and large, those reforms have been warmly received by States, civil society, and the press. Indeed, on 18 September, during a high-level event …

Pueblos indígenas y medio ambiente: Desafíos y oportunidades para el sistema de derechos humanos de la ONU

by Mariana Montoya, Universal Rights Group and Geneva Uncategorized BORRAR

El 1 de agosto de 2017 la Embajada de Turquía en Colombia, la Fundación el Nogal y Universal Rights Group, con el apoyo del Club El Nogal, organizaron un evento para dar a conocer la situación de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y tribales en Colombia. Este evento contó con la participación de representantes de alto nivel del Gobierno …

UN High Commissioner shines spotlight on ‘non-cooperation and selective cooperation with the human rights mechanisms’ – New ‘Know yourHRC candidates’ and ‘Know yourHRC members’ email alerts offer important new tool in that regard

by the URG team Uncategorized BORRAR

The Human Rights Council’s decisions are not binding. As an institution, it cannot force States to do what they do not want to do. Rather, as per its founding mandate (GA resolution 60/251), the Council must work ‘through cooperation and dialogue’ to engage States and to encourage, support, cajole, press and – in some cases – shame States into implementing …

Statement from URG Chair

by URG Chair and Geneva Uncategorized BORRAR

A statement from the Chair of the URG Board of Trustees:  ‘It is with deep sadness that I have the duty to inform you that Sir Nigel Rodley has passed away in the early hours of Wednesday, 25 January. Nigel will be remembered as a founding father of the global human rights movement, a champion of human rights whose efforts touched …