¿Cuál es el futuro del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos? Reimaginando el papel, las prerrogativas, las responsabilidades y el mandato del Alto Comisionado

by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group High Commissioner, Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Uncategorized BORRAR

Como argumenta Suzanne Nossel en su excelente artículo recientemente publicado en la revista Foreign Policy (‘ El trabajo del jefe de derechos humanos de la ONU no es lo que piensas ‘, 9 de agosto), el regocijo general entre los defensores de los derechos humanos por el nombramiento de Michelle Bachelet como la próxima Alta Comisionada para los Derechos Humanos debería dar paso rápidamente a “una reevaluación exhaustiva del papel de la Alta Comisionada y …

URG officially opens New York office

by the URG team Uncategorized BORRAR

On 1st July, Universal Rights Group New York (URG NYC) was formally incorporated, with the primary aims of strengthening URG’s engagement with States, UN officials and NGOs active at UN headquarters, and more effectively covering and analyzing developments in key New York-based UN bodies and organizations, including the General Assembly (especially the Third Committee), the Security Council, the High Level …

Pablo de Greiff joins URG Board of Trustees

by the URG team Uncategorized BORRAR

The Universal Rights Group is pleased to announce that renowned human rights expert Pablo de Greiff (Colombia) has joined the organisation’s Board of Trustees upon the invitation of the Board. Pablo de Greiff has over 20 years experience in global policy development of country level initiatives to prevent and recover from mass atrocities and human rights violations. His work focuses …

US calls Human Rights Council the “UN’s greatest failure” but recommits to pushing for reforms

by Danica Damplo, Universal Rights Group NYC Uncategorized BORRAR

On July 18, the Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley gave the keynote address at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative American think tank, on the US withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council. The full speech and subsequent panel discussion can be found  here . Ambassador Haley characterised the United States as a unique nation, with values of freedom and human dignity embedded in its very foundation. She …

Nuevo informe de políticas públicas demuestra el impacto de la corrupción en los derechos humanos

by the URG team Uncategorized BORRAR

5 de junio de 2018 La corrupción tiene importantes implicaciones negativas, tanto directas como indirectas, en el disfrute de los derechos humanos y la realización de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible “sin dejar a nadie atrás”. Las conclusiones del nuevo informe de políticas públicas presentado en Ginebra el pasado 22 de mayo proporcionan a los responsables de formular políticas y otras partes interesadas una …

New policy paper demonstrates the impact of corruption on internationally protected human rights

by the URG team Uncategorized BORRAR

5 June, 2018 Corruption has major negative implications, both direct and indirect, for the enjoyment of human rights and the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals’ ‘leaving no one behind’ Findings from new policy paper presented in Geneva on 22 May provides policymakers and other stakeholders with an empirical basis to tackle corruption from a human rights perspective Corruption is …

URG Latinoamérica es oficialmente constituida en Colombia

by Mariana Montoya Uncategorized BORRAR

17 de mayo de 2018, Bogotá Uno de los propósitos principales de Universal Rights Group (URG) es generar un cambio tangible y un impacto real en terreno, en temas de derechos humanos relevantes y urgentes en todo el mundo. Teniendo esto en cuenta, en 2015, URG tomó la decisión de explorar la apertura de oficinas regionales en diferentes lugares, incluyendo …

URG Latin America officially incorporated in Colombia

by the URG team Uncategorized BORRAR

17h May 2018, Bogota One of the primary purposes of the Universal Rights Group (URG) is to deliver real change and real on-the-ground impact on human rights issues of immediate relevance and importance around the world. With that in mind, in 2015, the URG took the decision to explore opening regional offices in different regions of the world, including Latin …

URG granted UN ECOSOC special consultative status

by the URG team Uncategorized BORRAR

On 17thApril the Universal Rights Group (URG) was granted special consultative status by the UN’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Consultative status provides NGOs with access to UN bodies that are open to NGOs, including ECOSOC and the Human Rights Council, and the various UN human rights mechanisms. Commenting on the news, URG Executive Director Marc Limon said: ‘It has …

Wanted: new High Commissioner for Human Rights

by the URG team Uncategorized BORRAR

Civil society calls for a more transparent, inclusive, meritocratic and engaging selection process Later this year the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, is due to appoint a new High Commissioner for Human Rights – the UN’s most senior human rights official. This is a vital moment for the Secretary-General, for the UN and its human rights pillar, and most of all …