URG launches global media analysis of HRC visibility and relevance

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms

To mark Human Rights Day 2014, the Universal Rights Group has commissioned a global media survey analysing the quantity and content of coverage of the Human Rights Council. Such an analysis of media interest in and opinions on the Council and its mechanisms is a useful means of understanding how the body is seen beyond the cantonal boundaries of Geneva, …

The UPR Mechanism: Delivering Real Change

by Roland Chauville, Executive Director of UPR Info Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Universal Periodic Review

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism was one of the main innovations introduced by UN member states at the time of the creation of the Human Rights Council in 2006. The first cycle of this global review mechanism saw all 193 UN members have their human rights records reviewed by their peers and receive recommendations for improvement. There was broad …

The 2015 Human Rights Council

by Marc Limon & Toby Lamarque Human Rights Council membership, Human rights institutions and mechanisms

On October 21st the UN General Assembly held its annual election for seats on the Human Rights Council. A total of fifteen seats were available across the UN’s five regional groups, with the candidates and results shown in the table below (those elected in bold). The new members will start their three-year terms on 1st January 2015. In the African …

UN Human Rights Council – The Case for Hybrid Resolutions

by Subhas Gujadhur and Toby Lamarque Human rights institutions and mechanisms

When in March 2005 former Secretary General Kofi Annan proposed in his report “In larger Freedom: toward development, security and human rights for all” the creation of the Human Rights Council to address the “credibility deficit” of the Commission on Human Rights, the aim was first and foremost to “create an organ that would be better placed to meet the …

Human Rights Council appoints seven new Special Procedures Mandate-Holders

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Special Procedures

The Council today moved to appoint seven new Special Procedures mandate-holders, including for the new mandate of Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities (created in June 2014). These mandate-holders should have been appointed in September, during the 27th session, but the Council decided (as already happened earlier in 2014 with another batch of new mandate-holders) to postpone their …

Global Civil Society Statement: “No target met unless met for all”

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms

The Universal Rights Group has joined over 270 organisations – representing over 3,000 organisations globally – in calling on the UN Secretary General to make sure that inequality is fully addressed is his upcoming Synthesis Report. GLOBAL CIVIL SOCIETY STATEMENT: NO TARGET MET UNLESS MET FOR ALL “Inequalities are not an inevitable outcome of development progress. If we are to …

Human Rights Council President, Bureau and Member States must respect the role and rights of NGOs

by Phil Lynch, Director of the International Service for Human Rights Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Thematic human rights issues

The right, and indeed the responsibility, of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to critique governments, expose and pursue accountability for human rights violations, and advocate for changes in law, policy and practice should be uncontroversial and uncontested. This is particularly the case at the UN Human Rights Council, the world’s apex body for human rights debate and dialogue, the mandate of which …

Health of the Special Procedure system moves to the centre of the Council’s agenda

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Special Procedures

For the first time since the Council’s five-year review in 2011, the 26th session of the Human Rights Council that ended on 27th June saw the health and impact of the Special Procedures mechanism move to the centre of the political stage. States could not resist continuing to add new Special Procedure mandates – the 26th session saw members create a 51st active …

Special Procedure implementation and follow-up: making it real

by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Special Procedures

One of the clearest conclusions drawn from the joint URG-Brookings Institution research project on the effectiveness and the future of Special Procedures was that, despite regular reform efforts over the past two decades, follow-up on the implementation of recommendations made by Special Procedures remains ‘negligible’. In interviews conducted for the URG-Brookings Policy Report, numerous mandate-holders acknowledged that ‘follow-up on implementation remains one of our weakest links’. Why is this the case? A sceptic could …

A call for measurable human rights targets in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

by Subhas Gujadhur Human rights institutions and mechanisms

        “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”         – Albert Einstein   This week UN Member States will consider the “zero draft” of goals and targets entitled ‘Introduction and Proposed Goals and Targets on Sustainable Development for the Post 2015 Development Agenda” which has been …