El papel del próximo(a) Secretario(a) General en la revitalización del pilar olvidado de la ONU

by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group and the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Secretary-General

Este artículo apareció originalmente en  New World magazine , publicado por la Asociación de las Naciones Unidas en el Reino Unido  (United Nations Association – UK, UNA-UK)  Los derechos humanos – junto a la paz y la seguridad, y al desarrollo, constituyen uno de los tres pilares de las Naciones Unidas. La naturaleza interconectada de éstos tres es clara: sin avances para promover y proteger …

The role of the next Secretary-General in revitalising the UN’s ‘neglected pillar’

by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group and the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Secretary-General

This article originally appeared in New World magazine , published by the United Nations Association – UK (UNA-UK)  Human rights – alongside peace and security, and development – constitutes one of the three pillars of the United Nations. Their interconnected nature is clear: without steps to promote and protect human rights, the international community will be unable to achieve peace and security, while …

The race to be Secretary-General: gender, regional balance and human rights

by Mariana Montoya, Universal Rights Group and the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms

In January, a new UN Secretary-General will take over from Ban Ki-Moon. As described in URG’s recent policy brief: ‘ Candidates for the post of Secretary-General: where do they stand on human rights?’ the selection process for the new Office-holder has been the most open and transparent since the founding of the UN. Although the formal inter-governmental decision-making process has not changed (for example, the Security Council does not publish the results of …

The World Bank: a human rights-free zone?

by Philip Alston, United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights and the URG team By invitation, Human rights institutions and mechanisms

This article first appeared on openGlobalRights , and has been reproduced with their kind permission. The existing approach taken by the World Bank to human rights is incoherent, counterproductive and unsustainable. It is based on an out-dated legal analysis and shaped by deep misperceptions of what a human rights policy would require. In its operational policies in particular, the Bank treats human rights more …

URG provides testimony at US Congressional hearing on functioning and effectiveness of Human Rights Council

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms

On 17th May, Marc Limon, Universal Rights Group’s Executive Director, offered testimony during a US Congressional Hearing (House of Representatives) entitled: ‘Ten Years Later: The Status of the United Nations Human Rights Council.’    The hearing was organised by the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission and sought to examine the current functioning and effectiveness of the Council, and also look assess …

Nepal’s engagement in the UPR process and recommendations for improvements of the mechanism

by Joint Secretary Ramesh Dhakal, Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers of Nepal, Mie Roesdahl, PhD Fellow, Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts, University of Copenhagen, and Danish Institute for Human Rights and the URG team By invitation, Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Universal Periodic Review

Nepal underwent its second review by the Working Group of the Human Rights Council as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process on November 4th 2015. The review was the culmination of a long process of internally reviewing the status of implementation of Nepal’s recommendations from the first review, inter-ministerial coordination and workshops, consultations with a broad range of …

The 31st session of the Human Rights Council gives cause for cautious optimism

by Peter Sørensen, Ambassador, Head of Delegation of the European Union to the UN, Geneva and the URG team By invitation, Human rights institutions and mechanisms

In his statement to the 31st session, the High Commissioner for Human Rights spoke of a “growing disarray in many countries.” This is a sad conclusion to be drawn; yet it undoubtedly reflects the reality of today’s world. Around the globe, old conflicts persist and new ones erupt, and despite the hard lessons of the 20th Century, men still commit …

How to move forward with the implementation of resolution 16/18 and with global efforts to combat religious intolerance and discrimination

by Marghoob Saleem Butt, Executive Director of the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission of the OIC and the URG team By invitation, Human rights implementation and impact, Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Thematic human rights issues

Incitement to religious hatred, discrimination and violence needs to be addressed by everyone, and at all levels. That is especially so when one considers the increasingly globalised and interconnected world in which we live — events on one side of the planet can have immediate and far-reaching consequences for people on the other side. News relating to religious discrimination or …

URG Board Member, Nazila Ghanea, addresses Human Rights Council during panel discussion on preventing violent extremism

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Thematic human rights issues

On 17th March 2016, URG Board member Nazila Ghanea participated in the Human Rights Council “Panel discussion on preventing violent extremism,” alongside Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the UN; Kate Gilmore, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights; Gastón Garatea, Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and former Chair of the National Bureau for the Fight against Poverty; Mehreen …

URG co-organises ‘From Resolution to Implementation’ photo exhibition

by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group and the URG team Human rights implementation and impact, Human rights institutions and mechanisms

From 7th to 11th March, Universal Rights Group (URG), together with the Permanent Mission of the Netherlands and World Press Photo, was pleased to begin a project to showcase the real-world impact of important Human Rights Council initiatives, using the medium of photography. Between those dates, URG brought five press photographers to attend and photograph the 31st session of the UN Human …