Trump to the Human Rights Council: 3 strikes and we’re out?

by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group and Geneva Human rights institutions and mechanisms

As the Geneva diplomatic world prepares for the Human Rights Council’s 35th session, all the talk is of the much-anticipated visit of Nikki Haley, America’s ambassador to the UN. With a certain masochistic relish, diplomats wonder aloud whether President Trump’s senior multilateral envoy will show the Council a yellow card (giving it one last chance to ‘improve’ its behaviour), or a straight …

Human rights and the Security Council: Cooperation or Cooptation?

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms

On April 18th, Nikki Haley, the United States Permanent Representative in New York and President of the Security Council, called a thematic debate on human rights and the prevention of armed conflict. During the debate, the US made an important and valid point: that human rights violations are an important root cause – and early warning sign – of ‘real …

‘No fear, no hate, no wall, no ban:’ the world – and freedom of expression – at a critical juncture

by Dr Agnes Callamard, Director, Columbia Global Freedom of Expression, Columbia University and Geneva By invitation, Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Thematic human rights issues

In the aftermath of the so-called ‘Danish cartoons crisis’ in 2005, the political, policy and academic world was replete with debates over the benefits or risks of ‘blasphemy laws.’ The debates highlighted a profound gap between those who believed that mocking religion (the faith, the tenets, the sacraments, the symbols, etc.) should not be tolerated and those who argued that …

What are the human rights priorities of world governments in 2017?

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms

‘Discrimination’ (racism, xenophobia and religious intolerance); ‘human rights, the Sustainable Development Goals and the right to development;’ the rights of migrants and refugees; prevention; the ‘Implementation Agenda;’ violent extremism, radicalisation and terrorism; and women’s rights; among most frequently referenced subjects during 2017 high-level segment of the Human Rights Council High-level segments (HLS) of the UN Human Rights Council (Council), held …

Sibling rivalry? Measuring and understanding the uneasy relationship between the Human Rights Council and the Third Committee of the GA

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms

A comparative analysis of Council and Third Committee resolutions The relationship between the Third Committee of the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council sometimes appears not dissimilar to that of two brothers. Like brothers, for the most part, these two key UN human rights bodies get on well, with both understanding that they are part of the same family …

Afrontando colectivamente nuestros retos mediante una acción pragmática

by H.E. Ambassador Maza Martelli, 11th President of the Human Rights Council and Geneva By invitation, Human rights institutions and mechanisms

Visión del 11º Presidente del Consejo de Derechos Humanos S.E. Embajador Maza Martelli, acerca del trabajo y desafíos que enfrenta el Consejo en 2017 Ginebra, 22 de febrero de 2017                                                             …

Why Guterres and Haley are set to become the U.N.’s odd couple

by Richard Gowan and Geneva By invitation, Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Secretary-General

Are Antonio Guterres and Nikki Haley set to be New York’s new power couple? The future of the United Nations may rest on the duo’s personal and political chemistry.  Guterres has only been U.N. secretary-general since the start of the year, and Haley began work as U.S. representative to the U.N. ten days ago. But diplomats are watching both of …

NMRFs – A key State structure for effective reporting, coordination and implementation of human rights recommendations

by Beatriz Balbin Chamorro, Shahrzad Tadjbakhsh, Ibrahim Salama and the URG team By invitation, Human rights implementation and impact, Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Universal Periodic Review

The international human rights system has expanded significantly over the past twenty years, both in terms of new human rights treaties, as well as the mechanisms established to monitor and advise States on human rights promotion and protection. It has empowered individuals worldwide, including the most marginalised and disadvantaged, to claim their rights and seek redress. At the same time …

General Assembly reaffirms prerogatives of the Human Rights Council

by Rose Parris Richter, Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group and the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms

“The decision facing us today is a decision on the relationship between the Council and the UN General Assembly.” — Delegation of Singapore to the UN On Monday 21st November, towards the end of a particularly eventful session of the Third Committee of the General Assembly (see related URG blog ), UN member States took the historically important decision to respect …