What are the human rights priorities of world governments in 2018?

by the URG team Corruption and human rights, Human rights implementation and impact, Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Prevention, Prevention, accountability and justice, Special Procedures, Thematic human rights issues, Treaty Bodies, Universal Periodic Review

An independent analysis of the High Level Segment of the Human Rights Council  At the opening of the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, nearly one hundred world leaders (e.g. presidents, prime ministers, ministers) delivered high level speeches commenting on the state of global human rights in 2018, and presenting their country’s priorities for the year ahead. The Universal Rights …

A new approach to advancing dialogue on human rights

by Yoni Ish-Hurwitz, Executive Director of the Human Rights Likeminded Office By invitation, Human rights institutions and mechanisms

Polarisation and politicisation at the United Nations – words on the mind of every diplomat and international activist working on human rights. More often than not in debates and decisions at the Human Right Council, group dynamics come into play, often masking differences or commonalities in national positions. For example, a country that normally supports sexuality education may reverse its …

Una nueva página web: ¿Mejorando la eficiencia del Consejo de Derechos Humanos?

by Mariana Montoya Human rights institutions and mechanisms

Esta semana, la Secretaría del Consejo de Derechos Humanos lanzó un sitio web nuevo y mejorado que, en palabras de ellos, ofrece una “nueva apariencia y navegación mejorada”. Pero la verdad es que es mucho más eso. Las nuevas características ofrecidas por el este novedoso portal del Consejo representan un esfuerzo para acercar este órgano a sus partes interesadas y …

A new website: enhancing the efficiency of the Human Rights Council?

by Mariana Montoya Human rights institutions and mechanisms

This week, the Human Rights Council’s Secretariat launched a new and improved website, which offers a ‘ new look & feel and improved navigation ’. But the truth is there is much more than meets the eye. The new features offered by the Council’s new portal represent an effort towards bringing the Council closer to its stakeholders and people on the ground; therefore, it contributes to enhancing …

Otro más que muerde el polvo: ¿qué futuro tiene el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos?

by David Petrasek and Geneva By invitation, High Commissioner, Human rights institutions and mechanisms

La partida prematura, una vez más, de un Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos sugiere que es hora de reconsiderar las prioridades de la oficina y fortalecer su mandato. Cuando, en diciembre de 2017, el Príncipe Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein de Jordania anunció que no buscaría un segundo mandato como Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los …

The Human Rights Council: Cooperation and dialogue for the benefit of all

by H.E. Ambassador Vojislav Šuc, 12th President of the Human Rights Council By invitation, Human rights institutions and mechanisms

5 February 2018, Geneva It has been almost seventy years since the nations of the world adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the preamble of which reminds all of us that the ‘recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace …

2018: the start of a meaningful process of Human Rights Council strengthening and reform?

by Charlotte Marres Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Prevention, Prevention, accountability and justice

There is a growing recognition that as the Human Rights Council approaches its twelfth anniversary there is a need to undertake an inclusive, cross regional and structured dialogue to review how States might strengthen the fulfilment of the Council’s mandate and purpose, as set down in GA resolution 60/251 . Following an important event organised by the Netherlands, UK, Latvia, Rwanda and Mexico on …

Report of Council Special Session on the situation of the Rohingya and other minorities in Myanmar

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms

On Tuesday 5th December, the Human Rights Council (Council) held a special session on the ‘human rights situation of the minority Rohingya Muslim population and other minorities in the Rakhine State of Myanmar’. The special Session was requested on 28 November 2017, via two official letters written by H.E Mr Shameem Ahsan, Ambassador of Bangladesh; and H.E Dr Abdulaziz Alwasil, Ambassador of Saudi …

The Catalytic Role of Thematic Special Procedures on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

by Mariana Montoya Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Special Procedures, Uncategorized BORRAR

On 18th and 19th November, the Universal Rights Group (URG GVA & URG LAC) and the Institute for the Study of Human Rights of Columbia University (ISHR) hosted a two-day expert consultation at Columbia University. The meeting convened former Special Procedures mandate-holders on economic, social, and cultural rights; as well as key stakeholders of these mandates, including civil society representatives, …

The end of the road for ‘piecemeal’ reform of the Human Rights Council?

by the URG team Human rights institutions and mechanisms

On 20th October 2017, the President of the Human Rights Council, H.E. Mr Joaquín Alexander Maza Martelli, Ambassador of El Salvador, called an extraordinary organisational meeting to try to agree a series of modest changes to the Council’s methods of work and, in turn, to agree on a request to the General Assembly (GA) for more resources and meeting time. This …