Bringing the UN Treaty Body system closer to the people

by Christof Heyns, Professor of Human Rights Law, Univeristy of Pretoria and Member of the UN Human Rights Committee, Willem Gravett, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria and Geneva By invitation, Human rights implementation and impact, Treaty Bodies

The ongoing process of strengthening the UN Treaty Body system provides a welcome opportunity to reflect on some of our hidden assumptions. The Treaty Bodies have over time gravitated towards Geneva, and it now appears to be the assumption that this is simply the way things should be done. Notwithstanding, we want to argue that reform of the human rights Treaty …

Human rights as ‘part of the cure’

by Peter Sørensen, Ambassador, Head of Delegation of the European Union to the UN, Geneva and Geneva By invitation, Prevention, Prevention, accountability and justice

When UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, addressed the Human Rights Council for the first time earlier this year, he did not mince his words: ‘Disregard for human rights is a disease, and it’s a disease that is spreading.’ He appealed to the Council to be ‘part of the cure,’ especially through being ‘pivotal for prevention – sounding early warnings of crises.’ …

“Los derechos humanos son parte integrante de cada uno de los ODS”

by Michael Møller, UN Under-Secretary General, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva and Geneva By invitation, Thematic human rights issues

Nota: Este artículo está basado en una nota presentada por S.E. Sr. Michael Møller, Secretario Adjunto de las Naciones Unidas y Director General de La Oficina en Ginebra de las Naciones Unidas, el jueves 19 de junio de 2017, durante una consulta informal de un día completo sobre ‘Derechos Humanos y la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible: Oportunidades y retos …

Es momento de borrar las restantes leyes de blasfemia del mundo

by Joelle Fiss and Geneva By invitation, Thematic human rights issues

En mayo pasado, Irlanda se despertó ante la extraña noticia de que la policía irlandesa estaba investigando comentarios hechos por el actor Stephen Fry, que, según se alega, podría considerarse blasfemo. En una entrevista televisiva de 2015, Fry había acusado a Dios de ser un maníaco egoísta, y preguntó: “¿por qué debería yo respetar a un Dios estúpido caprichoso, mezquino, …

Modernizando el Sistema de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas

by Dr Bertrand G. Ramcharan and Geneva By invitation, Prevention, Prevention, accountability and justice

En su edición de fin de semana del 15-16 de febrero de 2014, el Financial Times publicó extractos de un libro reciente: “En 100 años: los economistas líderes predicen el futuro”, editado por Ignacio Palacios-Huerta y publicado por MIT Press. En uno de los extractos, Robert Shiller, Premio Nobel de Economía, profesor de Economía en la Universidad de Yale, escribió …

La Organización de Naciones Unidas debería crear la ‘libertad de la corrupción’ como un derecho humano

by Matthew H. Murray* and Geneva By invitation, Corruption and human rights, Thematic human rights issues

Matthew Murray es un abogado internacional, fue un asesor principal en la administración de Obama en asuntos anticorrupción de 2012 a 2017. Fue Subdirector Adjunto para Europa, Oriente Medio y África para el Departamento de Comercio de Estados Unidos de 2012 a2015 y Asesor Principal de Gobernanza y Estado de Derecho de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el …

“Human rights are part and parcel of every SDG”

by Michael Møller, UN Under-Secretary General, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva and Geneva By invitation, Human rights institutions and mechanisms

It was there from the beginning. In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It’s a foundational text for the United Nations. A document that has been translated into more than 500 languages and displayed on countless classroom walls worldwide. Its drafters had the revolutionary – at the time – idea to expand the …

“There exists a harmony that is almost musical between the concepts of development and human rights”

by H.E. Ambassador Maza Martelli, 11th President of the Human Rights Council and Geneva By invitation, Human rights institutions and mechanisms

The convergence between human rights and the 2030 Agenda is a topic of great importance for the entire United Nations system as well as for each individual State, and especially for developing countries. I very much welcome the opportunity that I have been given this morning to express to you my vision not only as President of the Human Rights …

The United Nations should create freedom from corruption as a human right

by Matthew H. Murray* and Geneva By invitation, Corruption and human rights, Thematic human rights issues

Matthew Murray is an international lawyer who was a senior advisor in the Obama Administration on anti-corruption issues from 2012-2017.  He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe, the Middle East and Africa for the U.S. Department of Commerce from 2012-2015 and Senior Advisor on Governance and Rule of Law for the US Agency for International Development from 2016-2017.  The …

Modernising the United Nations human rights system

by Dr Bertrand G. Ramcharan and Geneva By invitation, Human rights institutions and mechanisms, Prevention, Prevention, accountability and justice

In its weekend edition of 15-16 February 2014, the Financial Times serialised extracts from a recent book: ‘In 100 years: Leading Economists Predict the Future,’ edited by Ignacio Palacios-Huerta and published by MIT Press. In one of the extracts, Nobel Laureate for economics, Robert Shiller, Professor of Economics at Yale University, wrote that the next century carries with important risks …