Catarina de Albuquerque joins URG Board

by the URG team Uncategorized BORRAR

13th October 2014, Geneva

The Universal Rights Group (URG) is pleased to announce that Catarina de Albuquerque, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to safe drinking water and sanitation, has joined its Board of Trustees. The URG Board sets the overall strategic direction of the organisation and guarantees its independence and integrity.

De Albuquerque is the first UN Special Rapporteur on the right to safe drinking water and sanitation (formerly Independent Expert). She was appointed by the Human Rights Council in September 2008, having started her mandate on 1 November that year. Prior to becoming a Special Procedures mandate holders, she presided (2004-2008) over the negotiations of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which the UN General Assembly approved by consensus on 10 December 2008.

De Albuquerque is an invited Professor at the Law Faculties of the Universities of Braga and Coimbra and a Senior Legal Adviser at the Office for Documentation and Comparative Law, an independent institution under the Prosecutor General’s Office.

She was awarded the Human Rights Golden Medal by the Portuguese Parliament (10 December 2009) for outstanding work in the area of human rights. Her work in human rights was also honoured by the President of Portugal (October 2009) with the Order of Merit, an award recognising an individual’s personal bravery, achievement or service.

She holds a Law Degree from the Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon (Portugal) and a DES from the Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales (Geneva, Switzerland).

Notes to editors

For more information contact Marc Limon at [email protected] or +41 79 778 59 44.

Click here for a full list of members of the URG’s Board of Trustees.

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