Nov 17 2023
Past event

Policy Dialogue on a Human Rights-Based Approach to Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and the Role of the Human Rights Council

Last year, with the support of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea in Geneva, the Universal Rights Group (URG) and the Seoul National University Artificial Intelligence Policy Initiative (SAPI) published a report detailing a Human Rights Based Approach to New and Emerging Technologies.

This year, SAPI and URG together with the support of the Korean Mission, are currently writing a second report, which will be published on December 2023. The two main topics of the second report are :

a) An application of the Human Rights-Based Approach to New and Emerging Digital Technologies model specifically to artificial intelligence.

b) An exploration of the HRC as a specific catalyst for the development of normative guidance for states and private actors about a specifically human rights-based approach to the development of AI and ML products.

On the 17th of November 2023, from 10h00 to 11h30, SAPI, URG, and the Permanent mission of the Republic of Korea in Geneva will organise a by-invitation Policy Dialogue on a Human Rights-Based Approach to Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and the Role of the Human Rights Council with experts from a cross-regional group, including States, academia, civil society, and the UN, to present some of the preliminary findings of the forthcoming report, and to have interactive dialogue with participants.

During the policy dialogue, the organisers will also release of the report of the 9th Glion Human Rights Dialogue which was held on May 2023.

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  • Nov 17th 2023
  • 10:00 - 11:30
  • By invitation only