Dec 05 2023
Past event

Launch of report: The Human Rights Council in 2023

On Tuesday 5th December, the Permanent Mission of Norway with the support of the Universal Rights Group will host an event to look back on the work, achievements and challenges of the Council in the past year. The event will mark the launch of the seventh end-of-year report: ‘The Human Rights Council in 2023.’

The ‘Human Rights Council in 2023’ report, which will be launched at the event, provides an objective analysis of, inter alia:

  • The quantitative evolution of the Council’s work in 2023, as well as since the body’s establishment in 2006. This includes the number of resolutions adopted; the number of voted resolutions; the number of ‘hostile amendments;’ levels of cooperation with the Council’s mechanism; the substantive focus of the Council’s work and output – by agenda item and by theme; the geographic reach of the Council’s resolutions; and the budgetary implications of its work.
  • Infographics showing the global reach and influence of the Council’s mechanisms and OHCHR.
  • An in-depth analysis of the contribution of all current HRC member States, against the criteria for membership set down in GA resolution 60/251. This includes an analysis of their cooperation with the Special Procedures, UPR, and Treaty Bodies, their voting records in 2023, and their leadership on key thematic and country-specific issues.

The event will take place in the Norwegian Residence.

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